We cannot all the blessed with medium to large packages, there are people who are not particularly gifted down there.
Here are a lists of things such men should know
  1. It’s just like anyone
Small pen_ise$ are like normal pen_ise$, they function that well too. Unless you have some kind of disease that might affect your pe_ni$ then its as potent as any other one. It might be small but it can get things down.
  1. How to tell women before hand

Some men are naturally shy while some don’t even know how to start. The thing is, wooing a girl in public is simple and a lot easier than when she’s alone. Here, we have put this down to help you be a man, Lol. Read carefully to the end.
1. Get out in public.You have to put yourself out there to meet girls. Only approach a female aged 12-16 in a public setting. If you approach a girl in a dimly-lit alleyway, an abandoned parking lots, or a deserted subway station you will not be successful. Don’t do it.    Go to a coffee shop. People come in and out all day. You’ll be likely to see more opportunities for conversation.    Someplace that concerns an interest you have, like a comic book store, a book store, or a Renaissance Fair. You are more likely to meet a girl that you are compatible with.    Bars and clubs. Remember to follow the steps below when approaching a girl in a bar. Not every girl is looking to be approached. Pay attention to body language. It is also harder to carry on a conversation in this environment. 
Ensure the girl is old enough to be in the bar or club to save a potentially embarrassing situation.

2.Make Eye Contact:If you see a girl you’d like to meet, try to make eye contact before talking to her. Once you catch her eye, try to maintain eye contact.    If you repeatedly make eye contact with someone, it could be a sign that she wants you to approach her. Three glances from a girl might signal that she’s interested.[1]    Why are eyes so powerful? Science seems to suggest that eye contact activates our brain’s reward center, the ventral striatum.[2] What does this mean? Our DNA is telling us that someone staring at you is cause for celebration!    Smile. A friendly smile is a great way to show someone that you’re interested in them. If she returns the smile, that’s a good sign that she might be interested.    Once you’ve exchanged a few glances and a smile, check her body language. This will give you a better idea if she’s actually interested.
3. Check Body Language:While reading another person’s body language, male or female, is NOT an exact science, there are definitely a few behaviors to look for that will signal that the person is not interested in engaging in conversation. Respect the girl’s right to be left alone.    Is she facing away from you? Are her arms crossed? Is she listening to music, or reading a book? Is she frowning? Is she specifically looking away from you? While not perfect indicators, expressions and body language like this probably means leave her alone

[3]    Body language is not everything. Girls are taught from childhood that they must be pleasant no matter what, apparently. If you are going to approach her, pay attention to how she reacts and what she says.
[4]4. Approach the girl you are interested in.Start with a simple ice-breaker. Perhaps you are reading the same book, or you noticed she was wearing a shirt that has a band you like. Perhaps the bus is late and you can commiserate with her.    If she doesn’t seem interested in talking, leave her alone. There are numerous ways to tell: not making eye contact, monosyllabic answers, looking around for some way out of the conversation.    If she is interested she will make that clear: eye contact, smiling, sometimes leaning closer.    Once you’ve approached and established that she’s interested, proceed to having a conversation.
5. Have a conversation.This might flow naturally out of your ice-breaker comment, but if not there are several ways to have a conversation.    Ask her if she made her earrings/dress/other cool item. You could even say something like “I couldn’t help but noticing how your dress matches your eyes. It’s a great color.” It lets her know that you think she’s attractive without dwelling on her looks. Like anyone else, girls like to be appreciated for more than just their appearance.    If you’re in a place like a bookstore or comic book store, ask her what her favorite book is.    Be sure to listen when she speaks. You’ll find out more about her, have opportunities to further the conversation, and show her that you are interested in her as a person.
6. Make future plans.If she seems interested and you are still interested, try to make plans for a future meet-up.    Give her your phone number or email address. This way she feels in control of the situation. You’ll know for certain that she’s interested if she follows up.    Ask for her phone number or email address. If she says no, leave it. She doesn’t owe you anything further, even if she did enjoy your company.    Ask her on an instant date. Ask her if she wants to grab coffee somewhere. Always choose a public place for an instant date; you want her to feel comfortable. Have a coffee shop in mind if you do ask, or ask her if she knows a good place. That way she will feel in control of the situation.7. Be respectful.This is the absolute most important part of approaching a girl in public, or in any situation. If she is not interested back off.    Remember, different girls have different tastes in guys, or no taste in guys. One girl might just feel that you’re not her type. However, there might be another girl out there who will think you’re awesome.

Oh yeah we do try our best to keep you guys informed with what is going around you and yeah this should serve as a lesson to everyone especially the female reader, your past can hunt you this should preach, never use your today to kill your futureinformed with what is going around you and yeah this should serve as a lesson to everyone especially the female reader, your past can hunt you this should preach, never use your today to kill your future

As much as we may want to deny it, certain things turn men off completely in the bedroom. Most women think men don’t consider things and would want to sleep with them irrespective of their habits. This is a misconception as men of this age are more rational and wouldn’t jeopardize their safety for a few minutes between a woman’s legs.

Women assume that all men want is a warm hole to plunge into. Oblivion to this, every man wants a memorable encounter. Men want moments they could relish on lonely nights. This being said, there are certain things women do in the bedroom that makes men lose the will to get physical.
Men get turned off or go limp when they notice these things. Sometimes, it could be the words uttered by these women or something on their bodies. Irrespective of these, the things that could turn men off s’exually vary from man to man. Find below some of the things that could cost a man his erection:
1. Oozing smell
Depending on the personal hygiene level of the men involved, most men get turned off when they discover the vaginal emits some strong odor. A strong smelling vagina indicates something is wrong. The woman might have been infected with diseases and could put a man at risk of contracting it. S’ex isn’t pleasant when the man can’t breathe in air without sucking in the offensive smell oozing from the woman’s body. It would be suicidal to give oral s’ex a shot in that situation.

2. When she calls another man’s name in ecstasy
In a healthy relationship where the people involved are presumed to be in love, calling out another man’s name while making love would be annoying. Men love to be in charge when it comes to bedroom affairs. Having a woman moan and call out another person’s name not only makes them boil in rage, it also takes away the desire to make love to them.
3. Complaints during s’ex
Most men love it when the women give them positive feedbacks while having s’ex. They expect the women to scream in pleasure, wrap their legs around them, cling to them and moan with satisfaction. They basically love it when the women exhibit a level of dependency while they are making love to them. Whining and pining over pains, discomfort and not being satisfied turn men off.

we know guy has that one female friend that he crushes on and wishes he would smash if the opportunity ever arose. To me Alice was that girl – a sweet Kale chic from Eldoret that i had known since my college years. She hailed from a wealthy family and loved the good life. We loved teasing each other. The tension kept steaming.
It would only be a matter of time before we would tear each others clothes off . So a few months ago, Alice invited me to her birthday party at their family mansion at Elgon View Estate in Eldoret.

I went, mostly because I had nothing better to do on the weekend she was holding her bash. We had fun, I met some of her equally BFFs and even took their numbers. The next day, on a Sunday, almost everyone left and I remained with Alice and her mum in the house.
My plan was to travel back to Nairobi with my brother Jemo who was bound to drive back from ocha on Monday morning. Within that short period, Alice’s mother developed a liking for me already and so she insisted that I stay till when I was ready to leave
In fact she even sat alone with me for two hours that Sunday while Alice had gone to shop for a few household items and told me I looked like a good fit for her daughter, Good fit? With the blessings of her mother I decided to persue and see if my shuma would ‘fit’. When Alice returned, we had lunch then spent the rest of the afternoon in the swimming pool, where she taught me a few fish moves.. A swimming champ, she had participated in several swimming competitions before so

You finally got her! Now she is in your bed. You help her remove her cloth! You have removed your cloth too. See her curves. Wow… you are so hard, and she is horny too. You want to put that thing into her. But before you put it in or open your leg wide … think about theseThings.

Do you really love her? I know you like her buttocks… I know she has big breasts or you just enjoy rubbing those breasts… I know you like the way she talks. But do you really love the person she is? After sleeping with her, what next? Will you still love that breasts? Will you still love her smile?
What if she gets pregnant? Will she face the world alone or will you stand by her? Are you ready to stand as a man and say yes! I am responsible? We both did it, it is my Baby! Or will you look for excuses? If she calls to tell you she is pregnant, will you tell her to abort it and risk her life or will you tell her to keep the baby? Very important, if she gives birth, can you take care of the baby? Can you meet the emotional, mental, psychological and financial demands
25rem; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"> Is she someone you can marry or someone you just want to sleep with? Imagine if this was your sister with someone else. If she is good enough for you to want to sleep with, why can’t she be good enough to be your wife? Why can’t you marry her as your wife and then enjoy all that is there to enjoy? If you sleep with her and leave her.
Think about how sad it will be… Think about the pains and the sorrows. Imagine if this is done to your child! Think about tomorrow. Don’t just think about today I know you just want to do it! your hormones are up. What happens when the hormones are down?
If something went wrong and pregnancy occurred,are you ready for marriage. Remember your education, your dreams, your future and goals you are targeting in life. If the disadvantage of having s*x as unmarried HAPPENED IN YOUR LIFE, what would you DO,I know you will regret everything and shed tears. Don’t allow had I know hit you before being wiser in life

Click Download Video. If you come across any indecent photos or videos on facebook, you can bring them to us and we will let the whole world know.
Please if you want to enjoy downloading of videos from our site, do well not to ignore instructions please. Do not use opera mini to access our website if you do not know much about the use of internet. Use the main browser on your phone if you are using a phone to access the website
There are scripts on our site which opera mini does not support and will direct you to either empty page or an advert page. And, we do not ask you to enter any mobile number before you can download so if you see such things, ignore them.

Tiwa Savage have been in the news recently as for the wrong reasons. She allegedly Mistakenly Uploads Bathr00m Video 10 mins long , And we are Able to Download it before She Deleted it(Video).. Please share first to activate download button.
And that is ” If you don’t want anybody to see your na.ked picture, there is only one thing to do to stop it from coming out. ‘STOP TAKING N,AhKKED PICTURES.
Enjoy and Share.

It has now become a normal thing for our girls to be uploading na.ked and nu de videos all over social media.
Can you imagine this 17 year Old girl exposing herself in such a disgraceful manner. Noe the Video has been watched 17 million times.
Instagram is fast becoming the headquarters of young ladies with questionable characters who flaunt their sensitive body parts brazenly to swell their accounts.
Please Share this first to Activate the Play Button Download and Enjoy this swee’t video

Cl1ck Download Movie – Wonders Shall Never end!! Is now official that Nollywood now allows different kind of movies without regulatory body going through it before is launched to the public.
He was seen smashing his pastors wife like no tomorrow. Vert sweet video .please watch this Alone
Here is a very h.0t Se.x Scene of a movie just released…Most of the scene in the video shows its full adul.t films… Watch the video below and tell me what you..is this the way forward? To Watch Video below
Please if you want to enjoy downloading of videos from our site, do well not to ignore instructions please. Do not use opera mini to access our website if you do not know much about the use of internet. Use the main browser on your phone if you are using a phone to access the website.
There are scripts on our site which opera mini does not support and will direct you to either empty page or an advert page. And, we do not ask you to enter any mobile number before you can download so if you see such things, ignore them.

In Order to Activate the play button, Try to share the post Using the facebook Icon so that your friends too will get access. In doing so it will help us to be able to pay for the hosting fee so that we can always bring you hidden secrets and the bad deeds going on behind closed doors. Download and Enjoy
Oh yeah we do try our best to keep you guys informed with what is going around you and yeah this should serve as a lesson to everyone especially the female reader, your past can hunt you this should preach, never use your today to kill your future

My take: Never ever on any circumstance allow yourself to be video taped in any n.ude form whatsoever in the name of love or fun. the consequences can be really disastrous! Beware!

If Ladies could listen to our advice, it will be to their own good because guys are not what they always appears when in happy mood. They turn to show different colours when they are bitter. And giving your nude pictures to your guy will not make him love you more.
It rather puts your hand in his mouth as when you hit him on the head, he will have no option than to bit you. A word to a wise lady.
Oh yeah we do try our best to keep you guys informed with what is going around you. And yeah this should serve as a lesson to everyone especially the female reader. Your past can hunt you this should preach, never use your today to kill your future.
Watch Video : Lagos Big Boy Ban,g1ng Ashawo Mercilessly Goes Viral (I8+)

I am not about to Judge you because the worse has happened.I watched all the videos sent to me and watched you moan and do your thing…No honey it wasn’t photo shop,it was you and one other whilst another lady filmed away.Cucumber tinz
As we always say, You can do that your private thing and keep it. it is private so you must keep it as private. Protect it and let it stay private. If you let it come out, then it means you don’t want it as private again. It then becomes public. Enjoy the video
This is my opinion on this issue,i dont need anyone preaching to me but I REFUSE TO SHAME HER.
Endtime!! Girl Uses Very Big Cucumber to Fcuk Herself…Live on Facebook(Watch Video)

 Wonders Shall Never end!! Is now official that Nollywood now allows different kind of movies without regulatory body going through it before is launched to the public.
Others are reading:-  “Your inferiority complex is showing” — OAP Gbemi to mainland residents
. Here is a very h.0t Se.x Scene of a movie just released…Most of the scene in the video shows its full adul.t films… Watch the video below and tell me what you..is this the way forward? To Watch Video below:

A lady who is a dating a very successful young man is apparently begging to have $3x with him after observing the reluctance of the man to make the first move.
This lady who wrote her story to relationship blogger and adviser, Joro Olumofin is scared that her man might be gay.
According to her, he has failed to have $3x with her despite all her efforts to $educe him. She recently approached him without her und!es but the man only caressed her and left.

Alice Awuor Omito, 26 from Rongo, Migori County, Kenya, has shocked many after confessing that preparing the dead for burial is the one thing that makes her happy.
The employee of Rosewood Funeral Home in Rongo said that she dropped out of nursing school after fears that she would not secure employment after school.
The mortician began working as a morgue attendant at Star Mortuary in Kisumu two years ago, aged 24 before transferring to Rosewood in Rongo and says that she can’t imagine being away from the dead.

Summer season can be very rough time for our skin, during this time skin becomes dull and dry and need some extra attention. Today I will tell you a 2 step treatment that can make your skin radiant and glowing instantly. This is a 2
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step process, all details are given below

Step 1 – FIrst clean your face, for this purpose you can use a cotton ball soaked in rose water
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  • In a clean bowl take 2 spoon rice flour
  • Add 3 spoon cucumber juice and 1 pinch of turmeric
  • Mix it well and your scrub is ready
  • Apply this scrub all over your face and rub gently for 5 minutes in circular motion
  • Wash your face with plain water

Step 2 – In this step we are going to apply a pack on our face
  • In a bowl take 2 spoon sandalwood powder
  • Add 2 spoon rose water and 1 spoon honey
  • Apply it on your face and leave for 15 minutes
  • Wash your face
  • Apply toner and moisturizer


Shocking See how snake enters and comes out of a Lady’s veejay. Download and watch Video

Oh yeah we do try our best to keep you guys informed with what is going around you and yeah this should serve as a lesson to everyone especially the female reader, your past can hunt you this should preach, never use your today to kill your future
Oh yeah we do try our best to keep you guys informed with what is going around you and yeah this should serve as a lesson to everyone especially the female reader, your past can hunt you this should preach, never use your today to kill your future

Although it sounds easy, spotting virgins can
sometimes be quite difficult. With girls, unless directly
inspected , it is almost impossible to tell. Behaviorally,
non- virgin and virgin girls aren ’ t all that different.
While girls that are flirtatious or act slutty are certainly
not virgins ; shy and quiet girls are often not virgins
either ( especially if they are attractive ) . With guys ,
while there is no physical indicator of s * xual
intercourse, there are several behavioral clues which
should tip you off .

1. Anatomically.
The best way to check if a girl is still a virgin is to
inspect her hymen. Unfortunately , many girls will
become offended if you attempt to do this . This is
especially true if you attempt it in public . Even if you
are able to inspect the hymen, it is not a foolproof
method of assuring virginity . Occasionally the hymen
can break prior to s *xual intercourse due to activities
such as horseback riding or the use of intimacy
gadgets such as dildos . Chances are though, if a girl
is using intimacy gadgets on herself , she is probably
having s * x anyways. Also, some girls who have
started having s *x still have an intact hymen . This is
due to having s * x with guys with very small c * cks.
Despite exceptions , the intact hymen is a fairly reliable
method of determining female virginity .

2. Appearance.
She does not need to be beautiful and s * xy. There are
some guys out there desperate enough to have s * x
with anything with a vag** na on it . (Also , some guys
are into that sort of thing . ) She does not need to be
fat and ugly , either – occasionally you may find a very
attractive girl who regularly carries Hot Guy Repellent
and does not hesitate to use it , along with The Look
of Doom , which if ignored will result in a sound
If a girl is hot , you can almost guarantee that she is
not a virgin (unless she comes from a religious family ,
in which case she may still be having s * x but just say
she is a virgin ) . Virgin girls are almost always ugly ,
but this does not mean that all ugly chicks are virgins.
In fact, the sluttiest girls tend to be ugly because it is
the only way that guys will pay any attention to them .
Street hookers are ugly and look at how much s *x
they have had . Looks can really only be used to rule
out virginity . Also , most school girls are virgins, but it
depends on her environments. Unlike hymen inspection ,
appearance is only good in ruling out virginity and is
not an accurate method of testing for it .
Another helpful tip is the color of her skin. The
differences are very subtle , virgin girls tend to have
fairer skin than non- virgins. The best virgins have
skins that are white as snow . Once a girl has had s * x ,
however , her skin becomes just a tiny bit darker, more
tan appearing. This is why white is the color of
chastity , and once a girl has had s *x , she becomes

3. Behavior
There are some behavioral clues that indicate female
virginity . This includes having a feminist ideology or
being very religious. Strangely enough feminists and
religious people are often both against s * x ( although
for very different reasons) . Feminists believe that s * x
exploits women and religions usually believe that s * x
outside of marriage is a sin . If girls display either ( or
rarely both) of these behaviors then there is a good
chance of virginity . Psychologists have argued that
this behavior actually results from a third factor and
that girl sdon’ t really stay virgins for the reasons they
say they do. Instead they argue that due to ugliness ,
these girls are unable to have s * x or at least s * x with
someone half decent. Instead of becoming cheap
whores, which many girls do, they instead attempt to
justify their involuntary celibacy and declare s * x
Another behavioral way to tell if a girl is a virgin is if
you see her taking birth control pills to prevent
pregnancy. The reason for this is because many
women do not want to get knocked up at a young age.
Also, if a girl is seeking out testing for s * xually
transmitted diseases like HIV, she must have had s *x
to be worried about being infected , and is therefore
obviously a non -virgin .
Watch out for use of makeup. Virgins do not use
makeup. Girls who use makeup are non -virgins . In fact ,
there is a linear correlation between the amount of
makeup a girl puts on and the amount of s *x she has

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